Every Day is Another Adventure

While we don’t control of every event that occurs in our lives, we do have control over the adventures that are a result of those events. We can turn good and bad events into great adventures. Our adventures form our lives, they make us what we are.

Once we allow ourselves to dream, our adventures get better and better. I have done things that I never thought I would, or could, do. I did them because I allowed myself to dream that they were actually possible. Becoming an officer in the US Navy, owning a business, public speaking, co-authoring a book, traveling the world and now, writing a blog.


I mean, who would ever dream that anyone would want to know anything about me; my life? Well, it looks like I did!

 Adventures in Travel

Yes, I love to travel! I love the last-minute flurry of activity as I finally begin to pack my bags. The adrenaline rush as I leave the house, wondering if I forgot anything. The anticipation of what the next place I visit will be like.

I relish the feeling of surprise when I open a hotel room door and find the room better than I imagined.

There is nothing more humbling than that interaction with a local with whom you cannot speak in their language, yet you find some way to communicate.

Of course, as I have gotten older, my forms of travel have become much easier. Camping is no longer on the agenda; I need a comfortable bed and a hot shower. The only thing I want to unpack is my suitcase, not the tent, Coleman stove, lantern, or sleeping bag.

For most of my adult life, I have considered travel as one of life’s greatest adventures.


Let’s Share Adventures

Join me as I dream and plan my next great adventure. I’d love to hear more about you and your adventures; I’m sure you have had some great ones! Perhaps we can inspire one another?

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